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Small Business Web Design FAQ

Q: What costs are involved in running a web business?
There are 3 costs involved in every web site:

1. Your Domain Name
This serves as your address online. The equivalent of our webtys.com domain name in the physical world would be 1207 Delaware Ave. Buffalo, NY 14209. This is a recurring, low, annual investment that averages $15 per year. You can have as many domain names as you want as long as someone else doesn't already own them. If you already have a domain name, you can use that and you don't need a new one.

2. Web Site Hosting
This serves as your office space online and you'll lease it monthly, just like physical office space. Web hosting is an average of $20 per month. There are some instances where web hosting may cost more, but those instances are few and far between.

3. Design & Development
This is the big one. Unlike the other ones though, this is a 1-time investment and will vary depending on several factors.

After that, there are optional costs:

4. Advertising
The more you advertise, the quicker you will grow as more customers see your web site. Some web sites thrive without investing a single dime in advertising, but advertising never hurts. The first step is calculating an advertising budget. Once that's done, our specialists can research the best possible way for you to achieve your business goals within that budget.

5. Maintenance
Sometimes you can set it and forget it, requiring a $0 investment in maintenance. However, the most popular web sites update frequently because people like seeing fresh information. In most cases, you'll be able to maintain your web site on your own, which only costs you your time. There are many different ways to maintain your web site though.
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